Примеры публикаций, в которых авторы успешно использовали в работе наши мастермиксы и наборы.
433 публикаций
Assessment of the Genetic Characteristics of a Generation Born during a Long-Term Socioeconomic Crisis (Genes (Basel). 2023)
Exogenous dsRNA-Induced Silencing of the Phytophthora infestans Elicitin Genes inf1 and inf4 Suppresses Its Pathogenicity on Potato Plants (J Fungi (Basel). 2023)
Creation of Rice Doubled Haploids Resistant to Prolonged Flooding Using Anther Culture (Plants (Basel). 2023)
The Content of Anthocyanins in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Seeds and Contribution of the MYB Gene Cluster to Their Coloration Pattern (Plants (Basel). 2023)
Haloalkalitolerant Fungi from Sediments of the Big Tambukan Saline Lake (Northern Caucasus): Diversity and Antimicrobial Potential (Microorganisms. 2023)
Isolation and Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles from Arabidopsis thaliana Cell Culture and Investigation of the Specificities of Their Biogenesis (Plants (Basel). 2023)
Analysis of the Structural Organization and Expression of the Vrn-D1 Gene Controlling Growth Habit (Spring vs. Winter) in Aegilops tauschii Coss. (Plants (Basel). 2023)
Usnic Acid Derivatives Inhibit DNA Repair Enzymes Tyrosyl-DNA Phosphodiesterases 1 and 2 and Act as Potential Anticancer Agents (Genes (Basel). 2023)
RIPK3 Expression in Fibroblasts in an in vivo and in vitro Skin Wound Model: A Controversial Result (Acta Naturae. 2023)
Soft wheat cultivars grown in the Saratov region and their resistance to Septoria blotch (Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii. 2023)