

Примеры публикаций, в которых авторы успешно использовали в работе наши мастермиксы и наборы.
433 публикаций
3?UTR of mRNA Encoding CPEB Protein Orb2 Plays an Essential Role in Intracellular Transport in Neurons (Cells. 2023)
3?UTR of mRNA Encoding CPEB Protein Orb2 Plays an Essential Role in Intracellular Transport in Neurons (Cells. 2023)
A survey of the parasites of Ural saiga antelopes and Turkmenian kulans of Kazakhstan (Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2023)
A survey of the parasites of Ural saiga antelopes and Turkmenian kulans of Kazakhstan (Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl. 2023)
Effects of the Combination of the C1473G Mutation in the Tph2 Gene and Lethal Yellow Mutations in the Raly-Agouti Locus on Behavior, Brain 5-HT and Melanocortin Systems in Mice (Biomolecules. 2023)
Effects of the Combination of the C1473G Mutation in the Tph2 Gene and Lethal Yellow Mutations in the Raly-Agouti Locus on Behavior, Brain 5-HT and Melanocortin Systems in Mice (Biomolecules. 2023)
AhR and HIF-1? Signaling Pathways in Benign Meningioma under Hypoxia (Int J Cell Biol. 2023)
AhR and HIF-1? Signaling Pathways in Benign Meningioma under Hypoxia (Int J Cell Biol. 2023)
Expression of Ceramide-Metabolizing Enzymes in the Heart Adipose Tissue of Cardiovascular Disease Patients (Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023)
Expression of Ceramide-Metabolizing Enzymes in the Heart Adipose Tissue of Cardiovascular Disease Patients (Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023)
Composition and Structure of Arabidopsis thaliana Extrachromosomal Circular DNAs Revealed by Nanopore Sequencing (Plants (Basel). 2023)
Composition and Structure of Arabidopsis thaliana Extrachromosomal Circular DNAs Revealed by Nanopore Sequencing (Plants (Basel). 2023)
Association between HSPA8 Gene Variants and Ischemic Stroke: A Pilot Study Providing Additional Evidence for the Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Disease Pathogenesis (Genes (Basel). 2023)
Association between HSPA8 Gene Variants and Ischemic Stroke: A Pilot Study Providing Additional Evidence for the Role of Heat Shock Proteins in Disease Pathogenesis (Genes (Basel). 2023)
Beneficial Effect of the New Leptodophora sp. Strain on Development of Blueberry Microclones in the Process of Their Adaptation (Microorganisms. 2023)
Beneficial Effect of the New Leptodophora sp. Strain on Development of Blueberry Microclones in the Process of Their Adaptation (Microorganisms. 2023)
Involvement of Lipid Rafts in the Invasion of Opportunistic Bacteria Serratia into Eukaryotic Cells (Int J Mol Sci. 2023)
Involvement of Lipid Rafts in the Invasion of Opportunistic Bacteria Serratia into Eukaryotic Cells (Int J Mol Sci. 2023)
Transcription of WNT Genes in Hematopoietic NicheТs Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Multiple Myeloma Patients with Different Responses to Treatment (Genes (Basel). 2023)
Transcription of WNT Genes in Hematopoietic NicheТs Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Multiple Myeloma Patients with Different Responses to Treatment (Genes (Basel). 2023)
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