

Примеры публикаций, в которых авторы успешно использовали в работе наши мастермиксы и наборы.
359 публикаций
The gut microbiota of Cystidicola farionis parasitizing the swim bladder of the nosed charr morph Salvelinus malma complex in Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka, Russia) (J Nematol. 2021)
The gut microbiota of Cystidicola farionis parasitizing the swim bladder of the nosed charr morph Salvelinus malma complex in Lake Kronotskoe (Kamchatka, Russia) (J Nematol. 2021)
The Role of the GSTF11 Gene in Resistance to Powdery Mildew Infection and Cold Stress (Plants (Basel). 2021)
The Role of the GSTF11 Gene in Resistance to Powdery Mildew Infection and Cold Stress (Plants (Basel). 2021)
Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenomics of Staphylococci Circulating in Novosibirsk, Russia (Microorganisms. 2021)
Antibiotic Resistance and Pathogenomics of Staphylococci Circulating in Novosibirsk, Russia (Microorganisms. 2021)
Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Deficiency Modifies the Effects of Fluoxetine and Pargyline on the Behavior, 5-HT- and BDNF-Systems in the Brain of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 Deficiency Modifies the Effects of Fluoxetine and Pargyline on the Behavior, 5-HT- and BDNF-Systems in the Brain of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Developing a Live Probiotic Vaccine Based on the Enterococcus faecium L3 Strain Expressing Influenza Neuraminidasec (Microorganisms. 2021)
Developing a Live Probiotic Vaccine Based on the Enterococcus faecium L3 Strain Expressing Influenza Neuraminidasec (Microorganisms. 2021)
Core genes involved in the regulation of acute lung injury and their association with COVID-19 and tumor progression: A bioinformatics and experimental study (PLoS One. 2021)
Core genes involved in the regulation of acute lung injury and their association with COVID-19 and tumor progression: A bioinformatics and experimental study (PLoS One. 2021)
Expression of Specific Alleles of Zinc-Finger Transcription Factors, HvSAP8 and HvSAP16, and Corresponding SNP Markers, Are Associated with Drought Tolerance in Barley Populations (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Expression of Specific Alleles of Zinc-Finger Transcription Factors, HvSAP8 and HvSAP16, and Corresponding SNP Markers, Are Associated with Drought Tolerance in Barley Populations (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Human Recombinant DNase I (Pulmozyme®) Inhibits Lung Metastases in Murine Metastatic B16 Melanoma Model That Correlates with Restoration of the DNase Activity and the Decrease SINE/LINE and c-Myc Fragments in Blood Cell-Free DNA (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Human Recombinant DNase I (Pulmozyme®) Inhibits Lung Metastases in Murine Metastatic B16 Melanoma Model That Correlates with Restoration of the DNase Activity and the Decrease SINE/LINE and c-Myc Fragments in Blood Cell-Free DNA (Int J Mol Sci. 2021)
Development of a marker panel for genotyping of domestic soybean cultivars for genes controlling the duration of vegetation and response to photoperiod (Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii. 2021)
Development of a marker panel for genotyping of domestic soybean cultivars for genes controlling the duration of vegetation and response to photoperiod (Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii. 2021)
The gene Sr38 for bread wheat breeding in Western Siberia (Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii. 2021)
The gene Sr38 for bread wheat breeding in Western Siberia (Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genet Selektsii. 2021)
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