Примеры публикаций, в которых авторы успешно использовали в работе наши мастермиксы и наборы.
433 публикаций
Cas9-targeted Nanopore sequencing rapidly elucidates the transposition preferences and DNA methylation profiles of mobile elements in plants ( J Integr Plant Biol . 2023)
TP63ЦTRIM29 axis regulates enhancer methylation and chromosomal instability in prostate cancer (Epigenetics Chromatin. 2024)
A case report of Pallister-Killian syndrome with an unusual mosaic supernumerary marker chromosome 12 with interstitial 12p13.1-p12.1 duplication (Front Genet. 2024)
Stimulation of mouse hematopoietic stem cells by angiogenin and DNA preparations (Braz J Med Biol Res. 2024)
The Macrophage Activator GcMAF-RF Enhances the Antitumor Effect of Karanahan Technology through Induction of M2ЦM1 Macrophage Reprogramming (J Immunol Res. 2024)
Effect of Short Photoperiod on Behavior and Brain Plasticity in Mice Differing in Predisposition to Catalepsy: The Role of BDNF and Serotonin System (Int J Mol Sci. 2024)
Differential Expression of Stress Adaptation Genes in a Diatom Ulnaria acus under Different Culture Conditions (Int J Mol Sci. 2024)
Human RPF1 and ESF1 in Pre-rRNA Processing and the Assembly of Pre-Ribosomal Particles: A Functional Study (Cells. 2024)
A Knockout of Poly(ADP-Ribose) Polymerase 1 in a Human Cell Line: An Influence on Base Excision Repair Reactions in Cellular Extracts (Cells. 2024)
Electrochemical approach for the analysis of DNA degradation in native DNA and apoptotic cells (Heliyon. 2024)