Classic PCR
Catalog #
LyoMaster HS-Taq PCR (2×)
LyoMaster HS-Taq PCR lyophilized mix is designed for PCR analysis of large numbers of samples. The kit contains LyoMaster HS-Taq PCR lyophilized mix, 50 mM MgCl2 and loading buffer (6×).
BioMaster HS-Taq PCR (2×)
2× reaction mix containing Taq hot start DNA polymerase for PCR with endpoint control.
Reaction Buffer (10x)
The 10x PCR buffer is optimized for most types of PCR, including real-time PCR with intercalating dyes or fluorescent probes.
BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Sp (2×)
The mix is optimized for efficient and reproducible hot-start PCR on highly structured and/or GC-rich DNA templates.
BioMaster HS-Taq PCR-Color (2×)
2× reaction mixture containing Taq hot-start DNA polymerase for standard PCR, contains dyes for analysis of PCR products by electrophoresis in gel.
PCR amplification Kit with HS-Taq (+MgCl2)
PCR kit with HS-Taq (+MgCl2) contains all reagents required for amplification of genomic DNA, cDNA and cloned DNA templates, including 5 ×PCR buffer with MgCl2 and Taq hot start DNA polymerase.
Extended PCR Kit with HS-Taq
The kit contains a recombinant Taq hot start DNA polymerase, three reaction buffers and other necessary components for PCR with a wide range of templates.
PCR amplification Kit with HS-Taq
The kit contains all reagents required for amplification of genomic DNA, cDNA and cloned DNA templates, including 5×PCR buffer without MgCl2 and Taq DNA polymerase with hot start.