Catalog #
Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP)
Sterile 100 mM solution of adenosine-5'-triphosphate as ammonium salt in water. Nucleotide purity ≥ 98% (HPLC). Functional activity was confirmed by in vitro in a transcription reaction.
Uridine-5'-triphosphate (UTP)
Sterile 100 mM solution of uridine-5'-triphosphate as ammonium salt in water. Nucleotide purity ≥ 98% (HPLC). Functional activity was confirmed by in vitro in a transcription reaction.
Guanosine-5'-triphosphate (GTP)
Sterile 100 mM solution of guanosine-5'-triphosphate as ammonium salt in water. Nucleotide purity ≥ 98% (HPLC). Functional activity was confirmed by in vitro in a transcription reaction.
Cytidine-5'-triphosphate (CTP)
Sterile 100 mM ammonium salt solution of cytidine-5'-triphosphate in water. Nucleotide purity ≥ 98% (HPLC). Functional activity was confirmed by in vitro in a transcription reaction.
Set of 100 mM ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP solutions (rNS-1** in water, rNS-4** in TE buffer)
Set of 4 tubes containing individually sterile 100 mM solutions of ATP, GTP, CTP and UTP as ammonium salts in water (rNS-101, rNS-110) or in TE buffer (rNS-401, rNS-410). The purity of each of the nucleodides ≥ 98% (HPLC).