Long-Range PCR
Catalog #
HS-Taq-Next DNA polymerase
Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase inactivated by thermolabile monoclonal antibodies.
BioMaster LR HS-PCR (2x)
2x reaction mixture is designed to amplify long DNA fragments from 0.2 to 30 kb. with hot start. And also for the amplification of GC-rich (> 65%) and complex DNA regions.
BioMaster LR HS-PCR-Color (2x)
2x reaction mixture is designed to amplify long DNA fragments from 0.2 to 30 kb. hot start, as well as for the amplification of GC-rich (> 65%) and complex DNA regions. The mixture contains dyes that do not affect the operation of the polymerase, and components that increase the density of the sample for ease of application to the gel.
GC enhancer
GC-enhancer increases the efficiency of PCR with complex amplicons.