Real-Time PCR with fluorescent probes
Catalog #
LyoMaster HS-qPCR
Lyophilized LyoMaster HS-qPCR is designed for quantitative real-time PCR using fluorescently labeled probes.
BioMaster HS-qPCR (2×)
2× reaction mixture containing Taq hot-start DNA polymerase for real-time PCR with fluorescent probes.
BioMaster HS-qPCR Hi-ROX (2×)
2x reaction mixture containing Taq hot-start DNA polymerase for real-time PCR with fluorescent probes. Contains high concentration of ROX to work on appropriate devices.
BioMaster HS-qPCR Lo-ROX (2×)
2x reaction mixture containing Taq hot-start DNA polymerase for real-time PCR with fluorescent probes. Contains low concentration of ROX to work on appropriate instruments.
BioMaster UDG HS-qPCR (2×)
2x reaction mix containing Taq hot start DNA polymerase, dUTP and N-uracil DNA glycosylase for real-time PCR time with fluorescent probes.
BioMaster UDG HS-qPCR Hi-ROX (2×)
2x reaction mix containing Taq hot start DNA polymerase, dUTP and N-uracil DNA glycosylase for real-time PCR time with fluorescent probes. Contains high concentration of ROX to work on appropriate devices.
BioMaster UDG HS-qPCR Lo-ROX (2×)
2x reaction mixture containing Taq hot start DNA polymerase, dUTP and N-uracil DNA glycosylase for real-time PCR time with fluorescent probes. Contains low concentration of ROX to work on appropriate instruments.
BioMaster HS-qPCR-Special (2×)
Kit contains 2× BioMaster HS-qPCR-Spec (2×) reaction mixture and sterile water. BioMaster HS-qPCR-Special (2×) includes all the necessary PCR components (excluding DNA template, primers and probe): HS-Taq DNA- polymerase, dNTP mix, 2x PCR buffer, Mg2+.